Project Details
Title: Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia
Summary: Reclamation proposes to award a $696,000 WaterSMART Grant for the construction of the Tulare Irrigation District Water Conservation and Reuse Pipeline (TID Pipeline), and would approve a 25-year exchange of up to 40,000 acre-feet annually of the City of Visalia treatment plant effluent for a portion of TID?s CVP water. The CVP water would be diverted to the City from existing turnouts on the Friant-Kern Canal. In exchange, the City would send tertiary treated effluent to TID via the proposed TID Pipeline.
Doug Kleinsmith (916) 978-5034 N/A
09/17/2014Draft FONSI and EA was available for review on July 25, 2014. Comments were due by August 11, 2014. FONSI signed and final EA prepared on August 26, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI,Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia .pdf 245 B
Final EA,Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia .pdf 4,864 B
Draft FONSI, Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia .pdf 293 B
Draft EA, Tulare Irrigation District WaterSMART Funding Grant for Visalia Water Conservation Project and 25-year Exchange with the City of Visalia .pdf 4,865 B