Project Details
Title: Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue Warren Act agreements to seven Friant Division contractors under Article 18 of their Repayment Contracts. Under the proposed agreements, Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District (Lindsay Strathmore ID) would convey a total of up to 8,250 AF of non-CVP Kaweah River water into the Friant Kern Canal. The contracts would go through February 28, 2019.
Kelly Baker 559-487-5039 N/A
07/16/2014Draft FONSI and EA will be available for public review on July 16, 2014. Comments are due July 31, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements .pdf 227 B
Final EA, Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements .pdf 558 B
Final EA - Appendices, Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements .pdf 2,382 B
Draft FONSI, Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements .pdf 290 B
Draft EA, Kaweah River Water Warren Act Agreements .pdf 1,070 B