Project Details
Title: Feather Water District North and South Diversions Fish Screen Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide cost-share funding to SSWD through the Anadromous Fish Screen Program to screen SSWD?s existing 80 cubic feet per second unscreened diversion at Pleasant Grove Canal along Auburn Ravine with two conical fish screens that meet design requirements of the National Marine Fisheries Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Project is needed to minimize diversion impacts to out-migrating anadromous fish on Auburn Ravine without impairing the ability of SSWD to divert water, consistent with their existing water rights. The fish screens would be placed at the Canal?s existing intake at Auburn Ravine and would not increase SSWD?s overall diversion capacity from Auburn Ravine.
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
04/16/2014Comments due April 30, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA-draft, Feather Water District North and South Diversions Fish Screen Project .pdf 4,613 B