Project Details
Title: Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District
Summary: Reclamation proposes to execute a series of Warren Act Contracts for conveyance of up to 13,400 acre-feet per year of recycled, treated water from the City of Turlock to Del Puerto Water District. The contracts would be no longer than five years in length individually and no longer than twenty-five years in total.
Stacy Holt 559-487-5295 N/A
05/12/2016Draft FONSI and EA available for review on April 2, 2014. Comments were due May 2, 2014. FONSI signed on May 10, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 212,384 B
Final EA, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 1,898,970 B
Draft FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 284 B
Draft EA, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance from Turlock to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 1,048 B