Project Details
Title: Madera Irrigation District Water Conservation, Telemetry Upgrade & Improvement Project
Summary: Reclamation is providing grant funding through the WaterSMART Program: Water and Energy Efficiency grant to retrofit or replace 17 manual check structures and control gates within Madera Irrigation District?s extensive canal system with automated flume gates and flow meters. Madera Irrigation District also proposes to integrate remote sensing capability with additional solar panel powered Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions system connections to these and three additional sites. The grant funds would also go toward the SCADA master station setup at Madera Irrigation District?s main office. The project would reduce water losses in Madera Irrigation District?s distribution system and improve its water management and overall water-use efficiency.
Alexandra Woodward (916) 978-5056 (916) 978-5055
03/17/2014FONSI signed and EA completed on March 17, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Madera Irrigation District Water Conservation, Telemetry Upgrade & Improvement Project .pdf 737 B
Final EA, Madera Irrigation District Water Conservation, Telemetry Upgrade & Improvement Project .pdf 1,211 B
EA, Madera Irrigation District Water Conservation, Telemetry Upgrade & Improvement Project .pdf 1,014 B