Project Details
Title: Del Puerto Water District Alternate Points of Delivery on the California Aqueduct
Summary: Reclamation proposes to approve State Water Project (SWP) Turnouts #B, #C, and # D in reach 2B of the California Aqueduct as alternate points of delivery for up to 3,966 acre-feet per year of water supplies for delivery to Central Valley Project (CVP) contracted lands within Del Puerto Water District's boundaries, while concurrently exchanging a like amount of CVP supply back to the SWP at O'Neill Forebay.
08/15/2013Draft FONSI and EA available for review on August 15, 2013. Comments due September 16, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Draft FONSI, Del Puerto Water District Alternate Points of Delivery on the California Aqueduct .pdf 263 B
Draft EA, Del Puerto Water District Alternate Points of Delivery on the California Aqueduct .pdf 999 B