Project Details
Title: Millerton Lake State Recreation Area South Shore Maintenance Yard Improvements Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to approve and fund, through an existing 50/50 cost share financial assistance agreement, the California Department of Parks and Recreation's Maintenance Yard Improvements Project. The proposed improvements will involve the following: demolition of seven existing shop buildings, construction of a new American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant service yard building, construction of a new ADA compliant storage building, construction of new covered boat storage, construction of a multi-purpose water station with an evaporation pond, and modifications to existing utilities. The purpose is to replace aging infrastructure, comply with the ADA, and meet current health and safety standards within the Maintenance Yard.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
01/28/2013The Draft Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact was available for public review from June 28, 2012 through July 27, 2012. FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 3, 2012.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI and Final EA, Millerton Lake State Recreation Area South Shore Maintenance Yard Improvements Project .pdf 5,657 B
Millerton Lake State Recreation Area South Shore Maintenance Yard Improvements Project .pdf 4,204 B