Project Details
Title: Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration EIS/EIR (FWS/USBR/Hoopa Valley Tribe/Trinity County joint lead agencies)
Summary: Purpose is to alleviate impacts to fish due to deliveries of CVP water from the Trinity River. Issues: endangered fish species, study of river flows, water deliveries.
07/26/2005Draft out 10/22/99. Final out 11/17/00. Record of Decision (ROD) out 12/19/00. Implementation of ROD delayed due to litigation & completion of supplemental EIS (SEIS). Draft SEIS published 4/23/04. Work on SEIS was suspended pending resolution of court proceedings. On 11/5/04, the U.S. Court of Appeals denied the petitions for rehearing filed by Westlands Water District and the Northern California Power Agencies. SEIS will not be completed & ROD now being implemented.
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